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Everyday Bucket List: Bucket List Ideas & Money Hacks to Enjoy Life More Often

Aug 16, 2022

Part 3 of the summer tip series is here! It's your refresher course on related topics. 

Most workouts are either too hard and require equipment you don't have, or they're too easy and leave you feeling like you didn't really work out at all.

If you're looking for a great workout that you can do at home or at a class, but you don't know where to start. 

Pilates is the perfect workout for people who want to feel a connection to their body. Discover the other amazing benefits that today's guest experienced. In this session of the Everyday Bucket List Podcast, we chat with fitness expert Leslie Logan about the benefits of Pilates and how to get started. Plus, she shares why she started the Be It Til You See It Podcast to inspire others.

Learn more about Lesley Logan: